Friday, January 25, 2008

Love this mess.....

I have yet to figure out why it is..... that once I have created in my special space, the mess left behind makes me feel good.

For some reason I just like all the supplies scattered about. This concept is so against my nature. Usually I am the neat freak. I do like order when I get started. I like having everything in it's place.

But for some reason during the process the mess is cool. Who knows... this might be my subconscious telling me not to sweat the small stuff. Make a mess it's OK!
Somehow this mess becomes invigorating.


Art Journal entry.....

and now for something completely different

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

24 Days and Counting

and not a minute to soon! Even with all the rain we've had lately the cedar pollen is still kickin my butt.

No art going on over here and it's killin me. The ideas are beginning to mount.....{hence the spelling of the word "mount", Holly}....and I've started jotting them down. Why is it these ideas look so much cooler in my head?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Cheeseheads take on the Lord's Prayer

Our Favre, Who art in Lambeau,
Hallowed be thine arm.
Thy bowl will come,
It will be won.
In Phoenix as it is in Lambeau.
And give us this Sunday,
Our weekly win.
And give us many touchdown passes.
But do not let others pass against us.
Lead us not into frustration,
But deliver us to the valley of the sun.
For thine is the MVP, the best of the NFC, and the glory of the
Cheeseheads, now and forever.
Go get em.

Gods Gifts

Humbled. Sometimes I am so humbled and overwhelmed with emotion as I count the blessings I've been granted.

Yesterday I was granted the gift of being able to spend time with good friends. You know....the kind of real friends you just feel so comfortable being with. We have so much fun together...doesn't really matter what were doing....just being.

When I returned home I find myself surrounded by little blessings. I try very hard not to take these gifts for granted. I literally cherish the time I get to spend with my family. My sweet hubby and our kind daughter, and our special unique college boy.......Gifts from God.

Life is Good

Friday, January 18, 2008

Introducing....."Thelma Lou"

She's back from Mayberry and she's in the secret garden. More to come from Thelma Lou.....
Thanks Teesha Moore for your art journal techniques. Check out "Teesha". Thanks ELiScrAper for introducing me to Teesha's wealth of information.......

27 days and counting

Monday's Art Journal Page

So it's Friday and I finally finished this's all about art journals that inspire me. There are sooo many talented artists out there and I stay inspired to try new things. I'm constantly saying to myself...."how'd they do that". I need much more training and instruction....but in the meantime I'll keep dabbling in my Nana's sewing book.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

This is the Culprit

This is the mischief-maker. This is what is wreaking so much havoc at my house right now. Of course it doesn’t help that I’m, highly allergic to these little pods of powder, standing in the middle of a cedar pollen Mecca.

In case you didn
't know, these trees are usually forest green throughout the year. Between Christmas and Valentines these trees dictate my schedule. As they begin to pollinate these trees turn burnt orange and on a windy day visual clouds of pollen appear.

28 days and co

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


that's what it is....the recognition of appreciation. That's the best part of creating for others. The look on that persons face when you have spent endless time preparing the perfect piece just for them.

I got to experience that emotion just today. A friend of the family just lost her special friend to a brain aneurysm unexpectedly just after Christmas. She asked me to prepare a memorial and provided me with photos and a poem.

Though it was nothing "Fancy" and made to be presented to a young women, our family friend was so grateful.

What is it about this.....

craft that makes me act like a little school girl? I've been card making/scrapping for over 5 years now and I still get excited over the simplest things. I can't go to sleep at night if I'm on a creative roll. I've been know to get that spark of creativity around midnight and finally turning in by 3am.
I don't know if it's the creative process, the materials I get to use, the vibrant colors I'm surrounded by, the extreme diverse group of women I've met, or the continued education in this craft that keeps me consumed with possibility. Whatever it is I am so grateful to have found it. I can't imagine what I'd be doing if not for this craft.

This is how I leave my workspace now. There are so many things I need at my fingertips I just keep them out. Notice the tissues......the cedar pollen is kickin my butt right now.....pray for rain.

These are my two projects in progress. This is what my table looked like before bed last night. I went out & had cocktails with the gals and stayed up way to late playing in my studio. I swear...if I had a bed, fridge & potty in my studio I'd never leave.

What Is It For You???? What is it about scrapping/card making/mixed media that gets you excited.....

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Exploring the Art Journal

Inspired by Donna Downey and Suzi Blu I've started an Art Journal. Oh my, I feel like I've just found a new set of toys needing to be played with. Every time I enter my studio now I have to decide which toy to play with.

I always start with the gesso but do I get out the gel mediums, the oil pastels, the paints, the rub-ons....Yes....I get them all out. I keep them out now. I've only been doing this for about a week and my mind is just spinning with possibilities.

Saturday my buddies & I got to go to the local art supply store. Oh what fun. We were there for an hour and it felt like 30 minutes. We can easily do this at the scrapbook store but now I have a new establishment to deposit any spare dollar I might scrounge up.

Here are a few pages I've completed....

Welcome to my Studio

I've finally established my own home.
Here, I open the doors to my Scraproom-Office-Studio whatever I might be doing in it from one day to the next.

Here is where I prefer to be. This is my "Inspiration Zone".

Here is where I get inspiration to create new things.

Welcome...come inside and lets play.